May Day – AJJ Day – 2022
May 1, 2022 found us rejoicing in our resilient Associates! Still wearing masks, but back-in-person in our Chapel for the first time in three years, 35 Associates renewed their commitment while 2 new Associates made their Promise for the first time. Each had, in his or her own way, withstood the test of COVID and the test of time.
Each year during Mass on May 1st, the feast of St. Joseph the Worker, Jeanne Jugan Associates renew their promise:
“In your presence, Lord Jesus, with your grace and through Mary’s intercession, I commit myself to the Association Jeanne Jugan of the Little Sisters of the Poor, for one year.
I promise to serve you in the elderly with joy and love, by following the example of humility and confidence left to us by Jeanne Jugan.”
This year’s renewal was a celebration of graced resilience! The test of COVID-19 had brought out the perseverance and adaptability of our Associates. Kept from the Home by Covid Restrictions, they had devised new ways to keep their Promise to the Lord “to serve you in the elderly with joy and love.” They remained present via phone calls, Facetime, all-occasion cards, shopping for the Residents, and best of all, through the spiritual bonds of prayer. The two new Associates had persevered in their year’s long formation program with Sr. Veronica largely by Zoom. Instruction in the spirit of St. Jeanne Jugan was possible this way because they both knew the Home well before the pandemic. Sharon O’Shea, a school teacher, was a devoted volunteer weekly on the 2nd floor with Residents requiring skilled care. Bobbie Bradley had discovered Jeanne Jugan on line a number of years ago when she was looking for a patron saint for the Senior Center she administered. She is now a wellness nurse for retired priests of the Camden Diocese, still promoting devotion to St. Jeanne Jugan and living her spirit.
The test of time also proved the resilience of our Jeanne Jugan Associates. We are honored to have Philly’s Pioneer Associate—Mary Frances Cantwell. For over 58 years, she has rendered faithful, loving service to countless Residents, Little Sisters, and Guests “following the example of humility and confidence left to us by Jeanne Jugan.”
We continue to rejoice in the resilience of our Jeanne Jugan Associates and their active and spiritual contribution to the life of Holy Family Home in spite of COVID regulations and the test of time!
Click here for more information about the Association of Jeanne Jugan.