Prayerful Preparation for the Feast of St. Jeanne Jugan
Brings Holy Family Home Together
Here’s what we are doing this year to honor the special Patron for the Elderly and the Mother Foundress of the Little Sisters of the Poor, Saint Jeanne Jugan: for the nine days preceding her feast on August 30, 2021, all interested Residents and Staff would join the Little Sisters in praying the novena prayer (found below) and in listening to a section of her biography, “Saint Jeanne Jugan, God’s Tenderness for the World,” by Eloi Leclerc, OFM. This was the idea of a Resident, Christine M, who said: “I‘ve already heard and read lots about Jeanne Jugan, but I think it would do us all good to read her life story again.” Our holy get-together is scheduled right after afternoon snack time on each unit and in the apartments. Residents volunteered to do the reading and so are happy to participate actively. All could thank God for the life and work and continued intercession of our Patron saint!
We invite you to join us spiritually, beginning on Saturday, August 21, by praying the novena prayer to St. Jeanne Jugan. May your intentions be granted through her intercession. God bless you.
Jesus, You rejoiced and praised Your Father
for having revealed to little ones the mysteries
of the Kingdom of Heaven. We thank You for
the graces granted to Your humble servant,
Jeanne Jugan, to whom we confide our petitions
and needs.
Father of the Poor, You have never refused
the prayer of the lowly. We ask You, therefore,
to hear the petitions that she presents to You on
our behalf.
Jesus, through Mary, Your Mother and ours,
we ask this of You, who live and reign with the
Father and the Holy Spirit now and forever.