Feast of Corpus Christi
The Feast of Corpus Christi at Holy Family Home this year was doubly significant!
First, it would be the last Corpus Christi Procession from our present Chapel. This time next year, God willing, we will be in a temporary Chapel to allow Phase 2 of our Building Project to progress. With moving on our mind, apartment and skilled Residents alike, with their Little Sisters, formed a pilgrim people proceeding with Our Lord around the Home. Yes, as Pope Francis is promoting synodality, we advanced together to intensify our relationship with our Eucharistic Lord. An altar was erected on the Second Floor and in the Cappuccino Corner. Our Chaplain, Father James Sullivan made a prayerful pause at each altar, with Litanies to which we could all respond, and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.
Second, the campaign for Eucharistic Revival at the behest of the United States Conference for Catholic Bishops is on! We were very conscious of celebrating the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ this year as part of the three-year Eucharistic Revival that was launched by US Bishops, beginning on June 19, 2022 to culminate in the Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis in July of 2024, and way beyond. We also felt a renewed call to discipleship! May we look to Jesus hidden in the host to come alive in our lives and make us missionaries, in our own little way, to share the good news of His Real Presence!