The Dietzler Duo at Holy Family Home
Harry Dietzler, the founding director of Upper Darby’s renowned summer theater program, and his daughter, Meghan, who is Villanova’s Campus Minister for Local Service, recently brought an enchanting entertainment to our Residents. How did we receive such talented visitors? It was through Meghan’s work as Director of COV, a program for Villanova Volunteers. She would arrange ways for students to put their faith into practice by sharing their youthful enthusiasm with the elderly. Our Residents were always happy to welcome her and her students. Meghan had a fascinating family story to tell. She, and all her siblings, and a host of others, had been trained in music and dancing by her Dad.
This led to Meghan offering to bring her own gifted father to Holy Family Home, so we could see for ourselves! What a delightful discovery of their talent we had! Harry played both lively and sentimental music. Meghan charmed us with her lovely voice and tap-dancing. The hour passed too quickly. We’re looking forward to the Dietzler Duo coming back to entertain us in the new building!