Celebrating St. Joseph, our Patron and Protector
It was a day to sing the praises of our Good St. Joseph who has shown us the way and provided the means for our mission since the very beginning! Most Reverend John McIntyre, Auxiliary Bishop of our Archdiocese of Philadelphia, visited Holy Family Home on the Solemnity of St. Joseph to rejoice with us on this feast of our Patron and Provider.
Bishop McIntyre celebrated Holy Mass with our Chaplain, Rev. James Sullivan. In his homily, the Bishop stated that St Joseph’s role inn the history of salvation, that of humble yet courageous service to God’s plan for the good of all, was being continued today through the charism of St. Jeanne Jugan. The Little Sisters of the Poor, in their own little sphere, are at the service of God’s plan of salvation unfolding in the lives of those for whom they care. This is a challenging, motivating thought for the Daughters of Jeanne Jugan!
Here are some pictures of St. Joseph’s Day at Holy Family Home: