Heaven’s Homecoming
In Heaven’s Homecoming Father McKay has compiled eulogistic stories of the elderly under his 18 year priestly watch at Holy Family Home, in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Through the spirit of Saint Jeanne Jugan and her Little Sisters of the Poor, these humble professors of the faith will make you laugh and cry as you read the testimonies of their sun-setting lives. Nearer to God, they will teach you that growing old is not a curse, but a blessing, indeed. Although all names have been changed to respect their privacy, each personal story reflects authenticity. Filled with wisdom, the accounts of their final moments on earth proclaim, most especially, the Lord’s command: “Be not afraid.”
“Heaven’s Homecoming celebrates the profound silence of indescribable joy in the presence of our God who calls us home to Himself. Since this is our goal, “let’s go on for God…”
Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan
Archbishop of New York
This book can be purchased for $10 at any Little Sisters of the Poor Home with all of the proceeds going to the Little Sisters of the Poor. Here is a directory of our Homes in the United States.
Also available on Kindle on Amazon
On the Calix Society’s Web Store: http://calixsociety.org/store