Well, it was quite a long, cold, snowy winter that we had! It was beautiful to look at, with the snow-covered grounds and trees creating a quiet, serene, picturesque scene. Our staff braved the elements, coming in when they could, working double shifts, and staying overnight. Luckily we had a number of activities and events to keep the Residents occupied and not feel too cooped up!
The first event to warm our hearts was the Eagles’ great run to the Super Bowl. The Residents, Sisters and staff was cheering on the home team every step of the way, with pep rallies and finally the great championship celebration.
The weekend after the Super Bowl the Residents enjoyed a musical event sponsored by AJJ (Association Jeanne Jugan). Great music spanning the decades was performed by the band, “The Exceptions,” which had the Residents clapping their hands, tapping their feet, and in some cases dancing away. The Social Hall was festively decorated with musical motifs. Still in Super Bowl mode, the Sisters recited a poem about the Eagles’ championship win. The afternoon ended with the Residents enjoying homemade goodies and leaving with a goody bag.
In March our days were brightened by the presence of seven students from Boston University, who spent their spring break week at Holy Family Home doing service projects. They served in the dining rooms, helped with activities, and visited one-on-one with the Residents.
Our Spring Concert was held on Saturday, April 7. Thanks to all your support it was a big success, with about 350 people attending. They enjoyed dancing to the lively Irish music played by McLean Avenue Band and rocking to the tunes of our headline band, Scythian. Vince Gallagher was honored for his contributions to the Home and to the Irish community. Cathy Moffit was also honored for her 40 plus year relationship with the Little Sisters of the Poor. Concert-goers loved the food and beverages, and they generously bought raffle tickets and placed bids on the 66 beautiful silent auction baskets. For a list of patrons, contributors, and Lucky Irish Draw Raffle winners, click here.
On April 9 a special Mass of Thanksgiving was celebrated at St. Nicholas of Tolentine Church in Jamaica, NY, to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the arrival of the Little Sisters in America. Sisters from various Homes, including Philadelphia, gathered together to thank God for his blessings upon the Congregation in the United States and to pray for continued guidance and help in carrying out His work. For photos and a news article on this event, please go to: https://thetablet.org/little-sisters-mark-150th-year-in-us/. Please join us in praying for vocations to the Little Sisters of the Poor.