Residents’ Day 2024
It was Residents’ Day 2024! It was time to cheer on our Home Team! Our Jeanne Jugan Associates called this “Time” to celebrate Holy Family Home’s great “Team” of Residents. Through their generosity, our Residents were treated to a performance by two old friends from a Mummer’s String Band. This dynamic duo kept time as energetic members of the Resident Team and the Care Team were drawn onto the dance floor by the enthusiastic Associates! The Associates’ creativity brought a real Spring Training atmosphere to our living room! Phillies Shirts, Baseball Caps and Banners plus timely Philly Snacks, including soft pretzels and Tastykakes added home-team picks to the event. Our kitchen staff, as usual, rose to the occasion with well-timed, tasty meals featuring Philly favorites, like cheese steaks. Even Father Sullivan, in his homily at Mass, tied the baseball theme into the Liturgy of Lent by comparing this holy season with Spring Training—both are a time of commitment to asceticism preparing for Victory. The outcome of this happy celebration of our Residents, sponsored by the AJJs and wholeheartedly backed by LSPs and Staff, was indeed the triumph of family spirit, so pleasing to the heart of St. Jeanne Jugan.