A Spectacular Spring and Blessed Easter!
Finally with the start of March, the days started warming up and stayed brighter longer. With great anticipation, everyone looked forward for spring to arrive! Our days were further brightened by the presence of about 10 students from snowy Boston University, who came “south” and spent their spring break with us, helping in different departments and interacting with our Residents. They brought much energy, joy, and goodwill to the Home!
Every month we have a luncheon for those Residents and staff who are celebrating a birthday. Our March birthday celebrants had a wonderful time sharing a lovely meal together and chatting with each other.
March 19 is an important date for the Little Sisters of the Poor, when we honor St. Joseph on his Feast Day, as he helps protect and provide for the needs of our Homes. This year we were blessed to have Archbishop Charles Chaput as main celebrant at the Eucharistic celebration, along with 13 concelebrants. Afterward, the Archbishop and some of the priests participated in our tradition of serving the Residents at the noon meal. The Residents were so happy to have such distinguished servers!
The Home then settled down for Holy Week, beginning with Palm Sunday services. The palms were blessed in the Cappuccino Corner, and then everyone processed to the Chapel. At the end of Mass, Father Sullivan performed the weekly tradition of picking a Resident’s name out of a basket, who was then presented with the statue of the Holy Family and charged with the task of praying for vocations that week. The following week the statue would then be passed on to the next “winning” Resident. By happy coincidence, the Resident’s family was at Mass and was excited to hear their dad’s name called!
The week continued with Holy Thursday Mass, with four Residents participating in the washing of the feet.
On Good Friday, the Sisters and Residents remembered the Passion of Christ and venerated the cross.
Finally, with great joy and alleluias, Holy Saturday Vigil and Easter Sunday Masses were celebrated in our Chapel, which was beautifully decorated with lovely, brightly colored flowers and plants donated by our generous benefactors.
We then began the task of renovating our Chapel, which will take a couple of months. The altar, pews, stations of the cross, and statues were all removed and relocated. The beautiful flowers from the Chapel were replanted outside. Mass is temporarily being celebrated in the Social Hall, with everyone gathered together in a closely knit group!
Finally, the highlight of the start of Spring was our Spring Concert! About 500 people, including some of our Sisters and Residents, attended the affair held at Villanova University. They enjoyed eating a delicious dinner put out by our kitchen staff, bidding on over 40 beautiful silent auction baskets, buying raffle tickets, and finally dancing and clapping away to the energetic music of Scythian! Sr. Veronica presented Villanova University and the band each with a gift of appreciation – a statue of St. Jeanne Jugan, foundress of the Little Sisters of the Poor. We thank all our benefactors for supporting this effort through your purchase of raffle tickets, being a patron, or donating goods and services. Click here to see a list of our raffle winners, patrons and in-kind donors. Thank you all! Wishing you a blessed Easter!