Marking More Milestones
Jubilee joy once again abounded at Holy Family Home on August 12, 2024 as Sister Theresa Michel marked 60 years of Perpetual Vows as a Little Sister of the Poor and Sister Kathleen marked her 50 years. Just Ten years apart, these two “Philly Girls” both graduated from Little Flower Catholic High, right after which, a decade apart, they both joined the Little Sisters in Germantown, where they had volunteered for several years. Both received their initial formation in the Little Sisters North American Novitiate in Queens, New York. There they discovered how –
“Religious consecration is a spousal covenant in which we respond lovingly, freely, and responsibly to the gratuitous call of God to live entirely for him through the profession of the evangelical counsels, sealed by our vows of chastity, poverty, obedience and hospitality.” (LSP Constitutions 13)
And so, the first milestone was marked joyfully – Sr. Theresa Michel, in 1959, and Sr. Kathleen in 1969, professed First Vows.
As newly professed Little Sisters, they would be missioned to various communities of Little Sisters. In continuity with the prophetic intuition of Sister Mary of the Cross, they had at heart to discern the profound aspirations of the Elderly. Throughout these formative years, they learned how to respond to the needs of the Residents by progressing in community spirit and the service of hospitality, with respect, attention, and tenderness towards each one. A vision of faith would lead them to discover Our Lord daily and permeate their actions with ingenious charity. (cf. LSP Constitutions 95, 96)
Then, again ten years apart, each of these two jubilarians went to the Motherhouse in France for their yearlong Second Novitiate in preparation for Final Vows. In the very chapel once frequented by St. Jeanne Jugan, Sr. Theresa Michel, in 1964, and Sr. Kathleen in 1974, marked their next milestone as they pronounced perpetual vows, because –
Perpetual profession brings religious consecration to perfection, since “firmer and more stable bonds reflect a better image of Christ united to the Church, his bride, by an unbreakable bond.” (LSP Constitutions 133)
After their separate grace-filled times in France, Sr. Theresa Michel continued to follow in the footsteps of St. Jeanne Jugan as Director of Nursing for over fifty years and Sr. Kathleen, on Formation Teams for over thirty years. All the while, they found their paths crossing many times: at retreats, renewals, and most notably, at Holy Family Home when their two mothers were Residents here at the same time. Their dear Moms passed away within months of each other. Not long after, Sr. Theresa Michel and Sr. Kathleen were stationed together for seven years at Holy Family Residence in Scranton, PA. Who would have guessed that they would then find themselves back in their hometown in time to celebrate their 50th and 60th anniversaries!
It indeed seemed just to have a “Joint Jubilee,” together joining with their community to praise and thank God for calling, consecrating and keeping them both, all these years, happy Little Sisters! As we make Public Profession of our Vows within the Eucharist celebration, so too, the Renewal of Vows takes place within the Eucharistic Liturgy. Father Ryan Nguyen, our new Parochial Administrator at St. Francis de Sales Church, celebrated the Eucharist in the convent chapel for this occasion. His homily revealed how he admired our Foundress, St. Jeanne Jugan, and the spirituality of the begging tradition that we, Little Sisters of the Poor, receive from her. He also expressed his appreciation for religious consecration in the life of the Church. After Mass, Father shared some of his own story with us. Coming back to Southwest Philly was marking a milestone for him too. St. Francis de Sales grade school was his first educational experience when he arrived from Viet Nam, and he was very influenced by the wisdom and warmth of the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary who welcomed him right here, in this neighborhood.
Yes, the milestones marked at Holy Family Home are many and they all have one thing in common – heartfelt gratitude to our Great God for getting us “here!”